Traditionally used in Chinese medicine, Acupuncture is one of the most widely used alternative medicines throughout the world. Using very thin, small needles at specific points on the body, Acupuncture stimulates nerve endings to relieve a wide variety of health conditions.
These conditions can include;
– Chronic pain
– Arthritis
– Anxiety and depression
– Insomnia
– Migraines
– Nausea and Gastro-Intestinal issues
– Musculoskeletal issues
– Women’s reproductive health
– Hay fever and sinus related complaints
As a natural modality, Acupuncture carries little to no side effects and can encourage the body’s natural healing abilities for optimal physical and emotional wellbeing.
Dry needling is used to relieve tightness and pain in the muscles by inserting a tiny needle directly into a knot or pressure point releasing tension. The main aim is to relieve muscle pain and cramping but it also assists with flexibility. There are many benefits of Dry Needling, here are just a few examples:
– Low back pain/tension
– Neck pain
– Spinal dysfunction
– Injuries
– Sciatica & much more